Sometimes, I get insecure, and I know that everyone does. As what Yanna said, " there will always be someone worse or better than you". Super agree! I'm just thankful to Jah that I'm able and fit. Just need to learn to take care, admire and love myself.
we were born with tounges and voices..those are meant to be used and not to be hidden..feel free to express and dont be afraid of people's opinions..coz' in the end of the day, all that matters to them is themselves..
I cherished every moment that we've been together. Even though we don't have a complete and happy family, I am thankful that I have healthy relationship with you. I hope we'll have good times this year. I am so excited for you to come home :)

You are the two responsible uncles that I'm very proud to have. I am so lucky to have you as my loving and caring mentors. I know that you are both doing your best to make money for your families. Hope to see you soon.

I really miss you guys. First of all, I want to thank you uncle Kermit and tita Elvi for your unconditional love and support. You both stand as my father and mother. You are always present in my graduation since elementary. You don't fail to make me feel happy all the time. I also want to thank you for bringing Justan in this world. I am so happy to have Justan as my cousin.
Uncle Kermit, I hope you're feeling better right now. I've heard that you are experiencing some serious headaches. Get well soon and take care of your health. Oops! I want to inform you, I still don't have squizzes :D
<3 Love you all.
from dear angel
12-21-2012? Is it the end of the world?
Okay guys, it's 2012. Heard something special this year? who doesn't know? This year is predicted to be the end of the world specifically, 12-21-2012. Many believed on this prophecy and they fear that our lives will totally end up on this date. How can we assure that this is true? First of all, let's ask ourselves, "WILL THIS HAPPEN?SERIOUSLY?". If it will, what will we do?
No need to panic guys. All of these things don't give assurance at all. They are not God to tell when will be the end of the world. According to Matthew 24:36, "Concerning that day and hour that nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father." It is clear in the book of Matthew that only God, the Father knows the exact day and hour of the judgement day. Even Jesus, his Son doesn't know when. How come people make prophecies like this? Now, we all know that we cannot assure when will it really be. Maybe, it will be later, tomorrow,next week, next month, next year? In short, we absolutely don't know. Just like a thief, judgement day will come without our knowledge. The thief will not tell the householder when will he come, unless if the thief is out of his mind.
Why did God didn't tell us when will be the judgement day? Logically, if he did, people will depend and will not act responsibly and accordingly. For example, God said that it will be on January 1,2013. So it will be a year later. People may think that," Well, I still have 12 months. I can do stupid things for a short time. Then, I will serve God 3 months before the exact date." Sound weird, right? People will serve God without sincerity. They will just do it because of the price- the salvation. God wants us to serve Him unconditionally and willingly, not because of our self concerns. Judgement day(Armageddon) is God's war to end the wickedness. Therefore, it is not His intention to kill all humankind, instead He wants us all to be saved and have the everlasting life in the paradise.
To enjoy God's promises, we need to do something. As what others say, No Pain No Gain. We need to give in order to receive. Let's read John 17:3," This means everlasting life, their getting in of knowledge of you, the only true God, and of one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ". That's all we need, get to know the One True God and his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.It is clear here that God and Jesus Christ are of different persona. This fact is what most people get confused with. They thought that God and Jesus are One. According to Matthew 16:15-16," He said to them: You, though, who do you say I am? In answer Simon Peter said:" You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". Peter clearly stated that Jesus Christ is the SON OF THE LIVING GOD. Therefore, who is the One and True God? Psalms 83:18 says," That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most high over all the Earth." God has a personal name, and is introduced to us as Jehovah. It is one good thing to know God's name as part of getting in of knowledge about Him.
Start today, not tomorrow, not next year because we know that Jesus Christ is coming. Many prophecies in the bible are happening in the present days.( Try to read 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ; Luke 21:11 ; Mark 13:8 ; Revelation 11:18 ; Matthew 24:14). Jesus taught us to pray in a manner showed in Matthew 6:9 ( the Our Father prayer). Most of us are asking for the God's kingdom to come, and we can assure that it will come because Titus 1:3 says that God cannot lie.
Upon knowing all these things, it is better for us to prepare ourselves. Whether we're ready or not, God's kingdom is coming real soon. According to Matthew 24:44, " On this account, you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming."
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