we were born with tounges and voices..those are meant to be used and not to be hidden..feel free to express and dont be afraid of people's opinions..coz' in the end of the day, all that matters to them is themselves..


a fairy tale with my DOPPEL GANGER '_'

The king sent me and my DOPPEL GANGER to the castle of far far away to fix the problem bout the rivalry.

When we arrived at the castle, these princesses secretly plan to poison us.

And so,they came up with their ishtabolin' drink.

They willingly accepted us in their kingdom. They give us food, drinks and everything.Until....

we fell sleep.ohhh no!They fooled us.

But look...!our king came...

after the tragedy, the king called the fairy god mother to make all things fine...

The magic changes everything....The princesses of far far away became our best friends...

And we lived happily ever after.

 "We maybe not the princesses in the fairy tales, but the magic of life crossed our roads and gives us the chance to build a magical friendship. Everything has big differences, and that's one of the reason why friendship is very hard to build. But good friends don't need to have the same personalities, it's all about accepting the differences."

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